Testimony: God Saves

Raphael's testimony "God Saves" on 7/30/2020, 9:10pm...

A few years ago I went threw a bad divorce and decided to end my life and I took every pill in my house and died in my bed and while I was laying in bed dead I decided that I had made a horrible mistake and I cried out to God and I begged him to save my life and after I begged him to save my life I heard a voice say "Get up" and I forced my heart to start beating again and I got out of bed and then the voice said "Go to the bathroom" so I went to the bathroom and then the voice said " Bend over the sink" and I bent over the sink and as soon as I did my mouth opened up on its own and all the pills magically came up out of my stomic and landed neatly in the sink.God saved my life that day and I'll forever be grateful.


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