Verse of the Day Inspirational Image

Recent Comments for Mark 9:23

6/30/2014, 9:22am by "Moses Njenga": HE has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in CHRIST JESUS, faith is currency of bringing them into natural, remember the amount of your currency will determine the amount you will recieve.GOD will not hoard HIS goodies.Amen

6/30/2014, 5:29am by "dharam": If we believe God 's Word with our hearts we can accomplish anything inline with his Will. God is never at fault when we don 't receive what he has for us. Many a times the cause is unbelief.

6/17/2014, 3:47am by "Mike Igoche": Believe is a condition of the heart towards the WORD of GOD. Its as if JESUS was telling the lads father if he can totally trust the WORD of GOD for his sons healing all things are possible to him whose heart will, emotion and intellect is rightly conditioned towards the WORD of GOD.

10/08/2013, 4:47am by "Lilly": To love God,first, is to love our fellowman ,and to havefaith ,is to give our whole self believing in the word of God .

9/21/2013, 6:13am by "Ralph Ryan": Man put an 'if' to the power of God,dats why God put an 'if' to our faith.. We have the key to open the door of possibilities.Jesus insist believe and believe,coz every person has a doubt..

4/30/2013, 5:27am by "stefan anderson": I believe in jesus and love what he teaches amen

1/07/2013, 4:03am by "philip": Well I am a believer and believe that my savior JESUS Christ says it will be always true I believe him with all my heart, soul and strength. Hope apostle Mark stays with me tonight in prayer to bless me, my children Jacob and Rachael and also my wife Dasamma. Thank you Philip.

9/06/2011, 6:30am by "MAKINDE JOHNSON OLAPOSI": Jesus Christ is talking about the importance of faith for anybody to receive from him.

2/20/2011, 5:52pm by "ben weaver": How does one believe to receive from the Lord? Believe can refer to various applications. To believe in Jesus for salvation; means to rely on his promises, as we actively receive them into our lives. In our V.23, Jesus is saying, "All things are possible to him that believes" for them to happen. I have read that Drs. say faith is a contributing factor in healing, possibly any faith. However, a solid basis for faith i.e. the power and promises of Almighty God is more ehhective. I believe that the faith Jesus had and entrusted to us, (Jude 1:3) should be received and spoken into action in order to be truly effective in any work of God.

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